The weather information system test unit sends a report request to and receives an acknowledgement from SatComms. SatComms sends a message to WeatherStation that acknowledges the request and tries to get a summary from WeatherData. WeatherData does contain test data, but does not contain test data within the date range requested. WeatherData returns an error report that is passed to WeatherStation and back to the Weather information system.
A successful testing process would obtain an accurate picture of the safety- and security- reliability of the system before delivery to the customer, but it is possible that a truncated testing process would obtain a confidently stated by incomplete picture of reliability. The testing team reports that the system operates without fault 99.999% of the time in system testing, but if the system testing was inadequate then the actual reliability will be lower in the field which may cost lives or at the very least lots of money. If the testing team simply runs out of time or money, then they should move to alpha- or beta- testing, depending on how far along they are. Alternatively, if time and money were tight at the beginning, they should have perhaps relied instead on an incremental staged delivery approach that would at least the most important components to the customer, even if the rest of the system needs more time.